Newsletter #124 – Teleworking and transport, Reform retirement impact, CSE June in brief, Discovery membership
The whole CFDT team wishes you a very good summer vacation. Even during this summer break, the team remains mobilized to inform you and defend your individual and collective interests.

Teleworking and transport allowances
In our previous newsletters, we informed you about the progress of the negotiations on telework and mobility allowances. To date, we have no more information to share since, at the Corporate level, the terms of teleworking are questioned. The general principle would be to have employees return to the site on a basis of at least 3 days.
Their arguments are:
- Priority to Business
- Maintain team cohesion through face-to-face
- Accompany newcomers, trainees or apprentices
The Management Team France is waiting for its directives from Madrid and will come back to us on the evolution of teleworking. Management’s observation is that teleworking is appropriate for some, but some changes could be made more to respond to individual constraints, without affecting the workforce collectively.
We are aware of your concerns following the rumors or even the announcements (anticipated or not) made by certain managers.
In any case, the CFDT will do its best to keep the current terms of teleworking and the flexibility that we enjoy today in France (detail Teleworking). As soon as we have more information we will share the details with you.
Do not hesitate, effective today, to share your ideas and wishes on the subject. We will take these into account during our discussions with management.

The impacts of the retirement reform
- The law has passed, despite the multiple demonstrations. You can find the 10 key points of the reform on CFDT weekly and Everything you need to know about the pension insurance reform (both in french).
In Summary :
- New legal age of 64 for anyone born from 1968 onwards
- 172 quarters for anyone born from 1965 onwards
- Long career with 4 age brackets instead of 2, for those having accumulated at least 5 trimesters at the age of the bracket
- The generation-end-of-career agreement signed in 2019 remains valid, if you are 4 years before your full-rate retirement (see your new estimate under info-retraite.fr):
- You have the possibility of taking an enhanced part-time job
- 80% paid at 90%
- 60% paid at 75%
- 50% paid at 70%
- You have the possibility of taking an enhanced part-time job
Note: You can change the % only if you reduce your working time
- A repurchase of 4 quarters by Amadeus is possible, out of the 12 provided for by French law. More information on the government website Repurchase of quarters
- Training up to 1 000 € financed by Amadeus:
- 5 days maximum
- unrelated to Amadeus businesses
- Without registration in the Company’s Skills Development Plan
- Have the last 2 months paid and not worked, if you give 5 months of warning before the date of your retirement.
- Training up to 1 000 € financed by Amadeus:
To be able to benefit from it, you must agree to retire on the date of your full rate.
- Following the Collective Agreement Break in 2020, there are still 75 people who are still in early retirement. The impact the reform has on their retirement date is increasing (between 3 to 12 months). As a result, Management has opened negotiations with the unions.
If you are concerned, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can inform you individually.
If you want to know more about this system that Amadeus has implemented in 2019 and 2020, do not hesitate to let us know.

CSE of June 23 in brief
Information from the President:
- Paid vacation days set by default by management are now listed on Workday. As a reminder, you can cancel these CPs to replace them with an RTT or telework. See Newsletter #121 and item 7 page 13 to 18 of 230224- PROCES VERBAL Réunion du CSE du 24 février 2023.pdf. Regarding August 14, you can cancel the CP to replace it with an RTT which would expire at the end of August 2023.
- The Klaxit platform for carpooling is now open for Paris and Strasbourg. The platform pays the driver and it is free for the passenger. An agreement with CASA (Commune d’Agglomeration de Sophia Antipolis) has been signed to develop inter-company carpooling. Do not hesitate to register.
As every year during this period, Management has provided us with the documents for subsequent consultations on the economic and financial situation of the company as well as social policy. 16 of the 29 members present (4 CFDT, 5 CFE-CGC, 4 CFTC, 3 CGT) voted in favor of entrusting the Sextant firm with helping us with these expertises which will be returned in 6 weeks and for a consultation of the CSE 2 weeks after.
Information from the Secretary:
- Sylvie Sénéchal, the new employee of the CSE, is in training until the end of the summer on the Bel Air site.
- Accounts will now be kept by the new accounting firm, which will work two half-days a week.
- Closing of the CESU Universal Services Employment voucher campaigns, an increase compared to last year but still below the planned budget.
- The one-off events offered by the CSE such as: Murder Escape game, Laser Tag tournaments, Karting, gourmet walks were a great success. Do not forget to register for a aquatic day for you and your family
- For Nice: Parc Aquasplash privatized on Saturday, September 9
- For Paris: Parc Astérix, valid until January 17, 2024
- For Strasbourg: Parc Rulantic
- Children’s activities:
- 503 enfants children registered for weekly courses this summer
- ”Back-to-school” vouchers can be ordered for ages 3-15 year olds inclusive. For 2-3 year olds inclusive and 16-25 year olds inclusive order possible from September 1st, provided with the child’s school certificate
- Vacation Activities:
- Weekends, medium stays, hotel clubs and rentals are still doing just as well.
- The new Foux d’Allos Central Park apartment is for rent, exceptionally and for a limited time on a first come, first served basis.
- Registrations are in progress for the beginning of 2024 for the following destinations: Mauritius, Sri Lanka, India and Norway
The CSE 2022 accounts were presented by the treasurer of the CSE, validated by the Statutory Auditor (CAC) and approved by the elected officials present.
- ASC Social and Cultural Activities budget was spent at 106.75%, residual working capital 26.43%
- Operating budget was spent at 73%, residual working capital at 212%
No new Minutes validated, the publication of the minutes can be found on the CSE Minutes page
Discovery membership, Join-us !
From July 1 to October 31, 2023, take advantage of CFDT discovery membership
- WHAT is discovery membership?
- WHO is the discovery membership for?
- WHICH services do you have access to?
- HOW does it work?
can be found on this Discovery Membership flyer (in french)
With the discovery membership,
there is no longer any reason to hesitate! Join-us!
This offer is only available online, at cfdt.fr/adhesion