Newsletter #133 – NAO 2024 – January CSE in brief – Did you know? Concierge
The Amadeus CFDT section wishes you a beautiful and happy new year 2024.
At the start of your new mandate at the CSE, the entire team remains by your side to defend your rights and improve your life at work.
Our ambition is to have a more socially equitable and more ecological society. Our commitment is for you and we act for everyone!

Mandatory Annual Negotiations – NAO 2024
All the unions have united in an inter-union on the themes of remuneration and sharing of added value. You will find the January 23 email addressed to management, in this inter-union press release.

The CFDT has sent proposals on other subjects (professional equality between women and men, Quality of Life at Work – QVT, Working time) to management and we are awaiting their return.

January 11 and 26 CSE in brief
On the agenda of these first two CSEs, there was :
- Designation of members of the office secretary, treasurer and their deputies, elected CSE page
The CFDT would have preferred that the resulting representativeness of the employees’ votes (CGT 35.9%, CFE-CGC 25.4%, CFDT 21.8% and CFTC 16.9%) be reflected in the composition of the office, so that the values of each union are represented. This was not possible since the other elected officials dismissed the CFDT, the office being made up of 1 CGT, 1 CFE-CGC and 2 CFTC.
- Designation of members of mandatory commissions:
- Economic commission, CFDT representative: Jean-Christophe Aguilar (Nice)
- Health, Safety and Working Conditions commission-CSSCT, CFDT representative: Bintou Boukar (Paris), Géraldine Brunstein (Nice)
- Professional Equality commission, CFDT representative: Malika Sadi (Paris)
- Training commission, CFDT representative: Alex Bran (Nice)
- Housing Information and Assistance commission, CFDT representative: Alex Bran (Nice)
- Markets commission, CFDT representative: Lionel Massat (Nice)
- The modification of the Internal Regulations – RI of the CSE with the following changes:
- The Secretary now benefits from a permanent mandate from the Committee to represent it during legal actions.
- Working group :
- 8 members maximum instead of 10
- The meetings will be initiated by the office instead of the group representative.
- Social Assistance working group: increase in the ceiling
- Removals of two working groups: Communication and Buildings
If you would like to get involved in one of the working groups below:
- Restaurant (minimum meeting twice a year)
- Mutual and Provident Insurance (minimum meeting twice a year)
- Holiday Activities (meeting 2-3 times a year)
- Children’s Activities (meeting once per quarter)
- Ticket sales (meeting 2-3 times a year)
- Clubs and events (meeting 2-3 times a year)
Don’t hesitate to let us know
Health & Safety
The last meeting of the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Commission (CSSCT) was held on December 14, in Strasbourg, with the elected officials of the previous mandate, the report of which was presented to the CSE. A statement from the staff representatives was made on 14 December and presented to the newly elected members on 26 January.
Social & Economy
Social Part:
- Teleworking & Transport allowance :
- Effective January 1, implementation of the agreement signed at the end of the year and all employees can update their new positioning.
- Sustainable Mobility Package – FMD: a Sworn Statement is required for:
- All personal bicycles (electric or not).
- Klaxit carpooling with the registration certificate. Audit control checks may take place during the year.
- Mobility can be updated every month for adapted lump sum compensation
- Significant improvement of the Nice Shuttle in terms of their capacity and more stops
- Restaurant :
- Nice :
- Change of providers took place on January 2. A 6-month adjustment phase is underway. Details page Restaurant Bel-Air and Restaurant de Sophia
- The amount of admission depends on the level of attendance at each site
- For staff: 100% taken by Amadeus
- For on-site consultants: €5.2 for the consultant, beyond that by Amadeus
- Paris: Undergoing change but still being an inter-company restaurant, decisions will be announced in July.
- Nice :
- New hires event at the end of 2023 brought together around 250 people. For 2024, management’s objective is to retain the workforce.
Economy part :
- Business is practically back to 2019 levels before the COVID.
- The elected representatives voted in favour of Egide Expertise providing support for the mandatory annual consultation on the company’s strategic orientations.
Social & Cultural Activities
- Holiday activities:
- Clubs :
- Cuisine: new partnership with a pastry chef in Antibes
Sewing: currently being changed following the departure of the service provider
- Events opening for registrations for
- Cannes Orchestra on March 23
- Ceramic workshop at CSE main site
- OGCN-Monaco meeting on February 11, in VIP
Employees’ rights
- Acquisition of paid leave during long-term sick leave: Management refuses to apply the case law of the Civil Court of Cassation, Social Chamber, September 13, 2023, 22-17.340 22-17.341 22-17.342, Published in the bulletin.
The Minutes of November 24, December 15 and January 11 have been validated and should be accessible soon on the Néo CSE Minutes page.

Did you know ?
- On all sites, the Concierge Service offered by Management is provided by the same service provider. It offers you new services that you will find on the Néo Conciergerie page.