Newsletter #139 – NAO 2025 – CSE Budget – November-December CSE in brief – Did you know? Paid leave and Social Security increases
The Amadeus CFDT section wishes you a year 2025 rich in commitment, tolerance and solidarity!
At the start of this new year, the whole team is at your side to defend your rights and improve your life at work.
Our commitment is to you, and we act for everyone! So don’t hesitate to contact us if you need anything!

Mandatory annual negotiations (NAO) in progress
At the 1st meeting on December 19, we were given the schedule for the next 3 meetings in January (Thursday 9, Wednesday 22 and Friday 31). At the end of January, depending on the progress of negotiations, further meetings may be scheduled.
We will be negotiating on the following topics:
- Salary policy including :
- Remuneration (%increases of end-April)
- Sharing of added value (profit-sharing, incentive schemes, etc.)
- Working hours
- Professional equality
- Quality of life at work
Don’t hesitate to contact your representatives with your suggestions and needs
For your information, don’t hesitate to review the results of last year’s NAO.

2025 budget for the CSE's social and cultural activities (ASC)
At the December CSE meeting, the 2025 CSE budget, drawn up in consultation, was unanimously adopted.
The budget has risen slightly by 7.3%, but remains measured and balanced in order to conserve reserves.
The distribution of the budget by theme and its major changes are as follows:
- Ticketing: +41.1%
- Merge of Ticketing, Concert & Sports Events and Annual Sports Subscription ceilings: €300/year
- Annual reimbursement on invoice (50% for up to €80) extended to 2 activities: sports and cultural.
- Harmonization of grant percentages according to theme: leisure activities (cinema, park, museum, etc.), sporting activities (skiing, rock-climbing, paddle-boarding, swimming pool, etc.), shows and sporting events. Please note:
- Cinema tickets funded at 42% instead of a single €5 price in 2024
- Dematerialized ski pass and reimbursement on invoice funded at 20%.
- Vacation activities: Budget and rules renewed.
- This budget still covers group travel, Ski clubs and Rentals.
- Children’s activities: Budget and rules renewed.
- This budget still covers vacation activities, extra-curricular activities, activities for children with disabilities, various vouchers, etc.
- Events: +31.3%
- The new selection rule will be based on a booking window and a ranking of employees according to their past consumption of events (no longer on a 1st come, 1st served basis).
- Increase in daily and weekend events, which were successful in 2024.
- Clubs & Associations: Creation of new clubs and increase in activities for some existing clubs.
- Culture budget : -6.8%
- Reallocation of budgets for reimbursements from music club invoices, and collective subscriptions to online magazines and newspapers.
- Resumption and increase in courses: Sewing, Cooking, Amaker…
- New: Kitchen garden, Wargaming
- Sports budget : + 15.2%
- Resumption and increase in courses: CrossFit, Gym, PPG, African Dance, Meditation…
- New: Virtual Reality
- Culture budget : -6.8%
- Advantages : Budget renewed.
- Holiday and culture vouchers in booklets of 200€. The % of subsidy depends on your rate. With a ceiling of 400€. To be ordered before June 30.
- Chèque Emploi Service Universel (CESU) new in booklets of 200€, with a maximum of 400€, 50% subsidy for all. Order before March 9.
- Christmas offer:: budget and rules renewed
- This budget covers gift vouchers or parcels for adults according to your rate, and gift vouchers for children in the same amount for all <16 years.
The CFDT has been a driving force behind proposals for changes that are as fair as possible. We are keeping on defending your expectations, such as the fairytale Christmas for children or more responsible events.
You’ll find all the details in the minutes of the CSE of December 20, 2024.

November and December CSE in brief
What happened at the last two CSE 2024 meetings on November 22 in Strasbourg and December 20 in Nice.
Health & Security
- The SSCT Commission met on December 19, the day before the CSE, and its report will be presented in January.
Social & Economics
- The economic commission met on October 18. You will find the minutes attached to the minutes of the November 22 meeting of the Works Council. Highlights:
- EBITDA and EBIT are still up by double-digit percentages
- The Group emerged from the COVID crisis faster than the rest of the world (especially in APAC)
- The Training Committee met on November 17 to review the year 2024. You will find the minutes attached to the minutes of the December 20 CSE.
It met on December 5 for the 2025 plan, and its report will be presented in January.
- Presentation of “Gen AI” initiatives, both to improve employees’ work and to develop customer products
The CFDT assesses the possible consequences for all employees and their well-being.
- Extension of “Commercial Incentive Scheme” ( CIS) to new services and professions
- Celebration of 10, 20 and 30 years’ service: 289 employees of all sites were invited to Nice.
- The 18 elected representatives present voted against the draft Unilateral Decisions (DU) on provident insurance, basic healthcare costs and supplementary healthcare costs, presented by management.
- Cameras on the premises no longer an issue
The CFDT remains vigilant and mobilized on this sensitive issue.
Social & Cultural Activities (ASC)
- Ticketing:
- Over 700 requests for sports season tickets (November figures)
- Vacation activities:
- Information on destinations for summer 2025 and reminder of those for winter 2025
- Children’s activities:
- 151 birth certificates for 2024 (November figures)
- Christmas offers :
- As in previous years, around 88% of employees preferred Christmas vouchers to Christmas parcels.
- Clubs :
- A new room at Bel Air will be made available for CSE activities, with authorization for an outside teacher to come into the building. So far refused by management.
Employees’ rights
- Acquisition of paid leave (CP) during long-term sick leave: Management has complied with legislation and made up the CPs for the people concerned. Do not hesitate to contact us if this has not been done.
The 22 elected representatives present (out of a possible 27) voted against the principle of an appeal by the CSE against its conviction by the industrial tribunal of dismissal without real or serious cause for the CSE employee dismissed in August 2023.
Minutes of validated CSE meetings are available on the Neo CSE CSE Minutes page.

Did you know ?
- Do you know how much CPs paid leave you have to take between now and the end of May 2025, so as not to lose them?
To get this information, go to your Workday account -> Absence
- Change the Balance date to May 31, 2025, on the right-hand side of the calendar
- Look at the number of days in the Paid Vacation section – days for previous period = the number of CPs you must take before the end of May 2025 or before the end of June 2025, in agreement with your manager.

- The social security annual ceiling (Plafond Annuel de la Sécurité Sociale – PASS) has increased by 1.6% from January 1, 2025 (monthly, from €3,864 to €3,925) and will have consequences on your payslip.
- Increase of health/mutual insurance contribution +€2.34/month, of which €1.04/month is payable by the employee, even though the mutual insurance rate has not been increased